A collection of Grumbacher brushes in a variety of sets. The Academy Hog Bristle Set #1 contains a size 12 flat, a size 12 bright and a size 10 filbert hog bristle brush. The Academy Hog Bristle Set #2 includes size 8, 10 and 14 bright hog bristle brushes. The Academy Hog Bristle Set #3 includes size 4 and 8 bright, size 6 flat, size 2 round and size 2 filbert brushes. The Academy Oil & Acrylic Set #1 contains a size 6 bright, a size 10 flat and size 4 filbert brush. The Academy Oil & Acrylic Set #2 contains a size 6, 8 and 10 flat brushes. The Academy Oil & Acrylic Set #3 includes size 5 and 10 round and size 4 filbert brushes. The Academy Watercolor Set #1 includes size 1, 4 and 6 round brushes. The Academy Watercolor Set #2 contains size 2, 4 and 6 flat shader brushes. The Academy Watercolor Set #3 includes a size 1 round, size 1/4 stroke and size flat shader brush. The Assorted Hair Set #1 contains a size 1/2 aquarelle, a size 4 filbert and a size 6 round brush. The Assorted Hair Set #2 includes a size 10 round, a size 6 filbert and a size 6 liner brush. The Assorted Hair Set #3 contains size 1, 6 and 12 round brushes.